A.W. Beattie Career Center would like to thank the following volunteers for their contributions to the education of our students as active participants of the Health and Nursing Sciences Occupational Advisory Committee:
- Hannah Bennett
- Josie Carroll, UPMC
- Rosalie Gall, MSN, RN-BC, VA Pittsburgh
- Chad Kline, RN, VA Pittsburgh
- Amy McCumsey, AWBCC
- Nicole McCune, MSN, RN-BC, VA Pittsburgh - Waynesburg University
- Lisa Reinhart, AWBCC
- Josh Reinhart, AWBCC
- Dr. Tracy Sherbo, VA Pittsburgh
- Maura Sieber, RN, UPMC Montefiore
- Vicki Siegfried, CRNP
- Peggy Spagnolo, RN, AGH
- Heidi Wolfgong, AWBCC
- Crystal Yurek, MSN, RN
Click here for a full listing of every program's Occupational Advisory Committee.